Sun, 22 May 2011
Many of you use the online encyclopedia called Wikipedia, which "is written collaboratively by largely anonymous Internet volunteers who write without pay. Anyone with Internet access can write and make changes to Wikipedia articles (except in certain cases where editing is restricted to prevent disruption or vandalism). Users can contribute anonymously, under a pseudonym, or with their real identity, if they choose." How about Wikivita - an ongoing writing and editing of life, your life, the life we share, the larger Life. What a ride! Join me this morning as I look at the journey of life through the window of Wiki. |
Sun, 15 May 2011
This sermon is dedicated to sermon auction winners Ken Apfel and Caroline Hadley. Today, Rev. John will examine from several perspectives on why it is time for a new campaign against poverty and why we are building a permanent under "caste" today due to spiritual deprivation. Come hear more! |
Sun, 8 May 2011
It's Mother's Day! It's our annual Flower Communion! It's Spring! It's our Bridging Ceremony! So many meaningful journeys (this month's theme) and all of them are full of opportunities and insights. Are you ready? Are you ever ready? Really?! Bring a flower for the Flower Communion vase and let's explore what being ready for our journeys is all about. |
Sun, 1 May 2011
What does it mean to be part of the interconnected web? On this Green Sanctuary Sunday, please join Intern Minister, Kimberly, and Green Sanctuary members, in a spirit-filled exploration of ethical eating. Whether you eat meat, or think tofu is the only way, every time we eat we make a statement of belief, we act out our principles, and we participate in the interconnected web of life, of which we are all a part. |