UU Church of Annapolis Podcast
Sermons by the ministers and guests at UUCA -Living boldly and compassionately in Annapolis, MD for over 60 years!
Are You Reborn?

This has been a question asked many different ways throughout the ages.  How is it that we must be twice born to become fully human and fully alive?

Direct download: Are_You_Reborn-.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:29pm EST

The Risks of Being Green

     In honor of Earth Day, Anastassia will explore ways that we can recommit ourselves to finding community-based actions aimed at living sustainably with our neighbors.

Direct download: The_Risks_of_Being_Green.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:26pm EST

The Unspeakable Truth of Redemption

    A quick scan through any day's newspaper will tell of tragedy and horror and remind us of the suffering all around us.  And often, if you read beyond the stories, you can see and hear of the opportunities for renewal and redemption.  Yet, like the "unbearable lightness of being," can we absorb the idea - or the reality - of being connected, whole and loved? 

Direct download: The_Unspeakable_Truth_of_Redemption.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

   Easter is a time to reflect on this difficult issue, and what the natural seasons, springtime, Christianity, and earth-centered religion might suggest we do with the problem of "bad things and good people." 

Direct download: When_Bad_Things_Happen_to_Good_People.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:46pm EST