UU Church of Annapolis Podcast
Sermons by the ministers and guests at UUCA -Living boldly and compassionately in Annapolis, MD for over 60 years!
Protect and Serve

"The young dead soldiers do not speak. Nevertheless, they are heard in the still houses: who has not heard them?" (Archibald MacLeish).

Direct download: Protect_and_Serve.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:52pm EST


Samsara is a Hindu term related to living, dying and reincarnation.  In Hinduism we are stuck on an endless wheel of life/death/rebirth until we reach enlightenment.  In a modern sense, this means if we get stuck in bad patterns we will repeat them until we become conscious of what we are doing.  

Direct download: samsara.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:49pm EST

The Ministry Team leads this service on "differences that make a difference";

Rev Fred Muir & Rev John Crestwell discuss differences Race brings.

Direct download: Differences_--_Race.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:06pm EST

The Ministry Team leads this service on "differences that make a difference";

Rev Fred Muir & Rev Patricia Owen discuss sexual orientation

Direct download: Differences_--_Sexual_Orientation.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

The Ministry Team leads this service on "differences that make a difference";

Rev John Crestwell & Rev Christina Leone-Tracy talk about Gender differences

Direct download: Differences_--_Gender.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:02pm EST