UU Church of Annapolis Podcast
Sermons by the ministers and guests at UUCA -Living boldly and compassionately in Annapolis, MD for over 60 years!
Generosity Mindset

Rev. John at the AWAKE Service discusses his understanding of generosity and how it ripples outwardly in the world.


The video that is watched is here: Thai Insurance Ad

Direct download: 03_Track_03.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:10pm EST

Let It Be a Dance

 "We begin again in love" is the refrain in a responsive reading from our Unitarian Universalist hymnal.  The reading is about forgiveness - forgiving ourselves and others. On this Sunday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (the Jewish High Holy Days), forgiveness is our topic and the challenges of learning the steps to this difficult dance.

Direct download: Let_It_Be_a_Dance.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:22pm EST

The Transient & Permanent of Unitarian-Universalism
In 1841, Unitarian minister Theodore Parker preached a sermon entitled, "The Transient and Permanent in Christianity," considering what was an important foundation of the faith, and what was changeable. This Sunday Rev. Christina will explore what is transient and what is permanent in our own Unitarian Universalism (hint, a lot is transient!)-- This sermon topic was purchased at the fall auction by Ken Apfel and members of Christina's Committee on Ministry.
Direct download: The_Transient_and_Permanent_of_UU-ism.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:02pm EST