Mon, 26 September 2016
In this message, Rev. John Crestwell uses the Gospel of Thomas to remind us to "look up!" when faced with conflict and polarization. Move the mountains out of your life! GOD / IDEALS ME You -Rev. Christina Leone Tracy |
Tue, 20 September 2016
A covenant is not a set of rules or a contract. It's a promise that we make, over and over, to come back to community. Not in spite of our mistakes, but because of them. Because we mess up over and over, we need to practice how to come back. |
Thu, 8 September 2016
You get up in the morning, ready to start a new day. What is your frame of mind, your purpose? When you return to bed in fourteen or eighteen hours, how will you think about your day of work, leisure or relationships? Let's set aside some time to imagine what a grace-filled day or life might look like. |