Thu, 3 March 2022
In this message, Rev. John Crestwell, shares his understanding of Casteism and Racism using the brilliant writing of author Isabel Wilkerson from her book Caste: The Origins of our Discontent.
Mon, 2 August 2021
Did you know that the earth is 70% water and you are 60% water? That is a close comparison. Does this mean anything to you? If it does or doesn't listen to Rev. John's message on water and why understanding this element is a way to better understand ourselves. |
Sun, 30 May 2021
Theology and Practice. Rev John continues part 2 of his discussion on why, after 20 years, he is still a UU.
Direct download: 05302021_Rev._John_T._Crestwell_Jr._-_Why_I_Am_Still_a_UU__Part_II.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 23 May 2021
I became a Unitarian Universalist in 2001. It's been 20 years. I have changed--a lot. I want to share this story with you and how I see the purpose of our faith today in the religious landscape.
Direct download: 05232021_Rev._John_Sermon_Why_I_am_Still_a_UU_After_20_Years.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 16 May 2021
What has membership meant to UUCA over through the ages? We want to honor the act of committing to a community of faith. Come join Joshua Long, the Membership Team, and several UUCA members as they share stories, music, and reflection for this special service.
Direct download: 05162021_Rev._Anastassia_Zinke_Members_Sunday.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 9 May 2021
At the heart of this and every Beloved Community is love, always love. But love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a practice—a shared practice of affection and care. In congregational life, it matters how we tell the story of our love. This Sunday we’ll consider some “love stories” and what they have to teach us about the practice of love at church. Music by Rob Redei and the UUCA Choir. Rev. Rob Hardies is a preacher, teacher, and an experienced leader of retreats and pilgrimages. From 2001 to 2020, he was Senior Minister of All Souls Church, Unitarian in Washington, DC, a large, multiracial congregation. During his ministry at All Souls, Rob helped create organizations that advocated for marriage equality and for voting rights. He lives in Washington with his husband and son.
Direct download: 05092021_Rev._Dr._Robert_M._Hardies_Sermon_Love_Always.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 2 May 2021
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie states that the danger of the single story is "the ability not just to tell the story of another person, but to make it the definitive story of that person." One single story that has been part of American history is that Black lives are expendable. We have seen again and again that this single story is not only dangerous, but deadly. In this service, we will consider the Derek Chauvin trial, and how many worked to counter the single stories that informed this case. We will highlight how we need to continue to counter racist and problematic stories, and re-story our way towards Beloved Community. Music by Joshua Long.
Direct download: 05022021_Rev._Anastassia_Zinke_The_Dangers_of_the_Single_Story.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 25 April 2021
Ralph Waldo Emerson recognized that the world is meant to be savored and we are designed to savor it. Why is the act of savoring essential for our spiritual lives? Once we have seen the world and savored its beauty, then we know we are called it save it, both for itself and for ourselves. Let us dedicate ourselves to saving this earth.
Direct download: 04.25.2021_Rev_AZ_Dedicate_Ourselves_to_Save_this_Earth.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 18 April 2021
Today we examine Naomi Klein's most recent book while also examining "regenerative economies" and how UUCA can adopt and adapt some of its current social justice practices. Music by Rob Redei and the UUCA Choir. |
Sun, 4 April 2021
Rev. John T. Crestwell, Jr., Minister The early Jesus followers believed that they would be with Jesus again in an idyllic, earthly community. On this Easter Sunday, we celebrate the paradise that our Earth is meant to be and dedicate ourselves to be evangelists for this earth. Music by Rob Redei and our UUCA Choir.
Direct download: 04042021_Our_Earth_is_the_Home_of_the_Beloved_Community_Sermon.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 28 March 2021
We yearn for freedom but what does ultimate freedom look like? In this service Rev. John will look at integrative spirituality as a framework for your spiritual freedom.
Direct download: 03282021_Rev._John_Sermon_Liberation_Accountability_Yin__and_Yang.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 21 March 2021
Join Rev. John as he examines the value of being authentic while also being accountable to the relationships around you. The message will also address the pros and cons of "Cancel Culture" and why respect is at the heart of the matter.
Direct download: 03.21.2021_Message__Authenticity_Keeping_it_Real_and_Cancel_Culture.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 14 March 2021
Mutuality exists when we live in such a way that we extend the same level of respect, care, and compassion for one another. When we "live for one another" as our Sunday covenant states, we extend this mutuality to our choices beyond the one-to-one relationship. For example, when we wear COVID masks or quarantine to keep one another safe, or when we increase access whether by adding ramps or by shifting away from being a mono-culture towards being multicultural. We can live in mutuality by truly getting to know one another. This Sunday, we will recognize the profound loss and impact of COVID over the past year, and also lift up how sustaining being in mutual relationship with one another is. Rev. Anastassia Zinke, preaching. Music by Rob Redei and the UUCA choir.
Direct download: 03_14_2021_Rev__AZ_Commitment_to_Mutuality.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 7 March 2021
Have you ever noticed that we don’t have a word for nonviolence in itself? In all our languages, this ancient though often untapped practice, has been referred to linguistically as the opposite of violence. It is more than that. Let us consider what nonviolence is, not merely as a political strategy, but more as a personal and spiritual practice. How can nonviolence disrupt patterns of harm, and help move us into the spiritual wholeness and right relationship. Rev. Anastassia Zinke preaching. Music by Joshua Long, UUCA Ensemble & UUCA Choir.
Direct download: 03.07.2021_Rev__AZ_Commitment_to_Non_Violence.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 21 February 2021
Emergent Strategy means that we practice biomimicry. That is, we do what nature does in our religious, social, and political associations. How can this way of life transform our planet and our Beloved Community? Rev. John and Rev. Anastassia will share the pulpit. Music by Josh Long.
Direct download: 02.21.2021_Rev_John_Emergent_Strategy_audio.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 21 February 2021
Emergent Strategy means that we practice biomimicry. That is, we do what nature does in our religious, social, and political associations. How can this way of life transform our planet and our Beloved Community? Rev. John and Rev. Anastassia will share the pulpit. Music by Josh Long.
Direct download: 02.21.2021_Rev._Anastassia_Sermon_-_Emergent_Strategy.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 14 February 2021
In a popular Unitarian Universalist hymn (also found in many other hymn collections), one verse speaks about the promise of a better tomorrow (Beloved Community) shaped by the "flame of freedom in [our] souls and the light of science in [our] eyes." Beloved Community, freedom, and science. This trio has meaning that vibrates in our way of faith and in our nation - all three were publicly named at President Biden's inauguration. Let's hold these up in the light for greater clarity. Music by Rob Redei and the UUCA Choir.
Direct download: 02142021_Rev._Dr._Fredric_Muir_Sermon_-_Staying_in_the_Struggle.mp4
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 7 February 2021
What does Beloved Community actually mean to you? What does it look like and feel like? In this message, Rev. John will take us on a journey toward our own realization of what BC is, means, and requires. Don't let the title fool you. This sermon is about my personal spiritual journey as a Unitarian Universalist minister and why I'm now more nature-based and Zen about my faith and message for humanity. |
Sun, 31 January 2021
The best way to teach our children is to be and to show: how we behave and how we engage with the world are much better predictors of how our children will do than all the books we’ve read about parenting could teach us. Rev. Anastassia preaching. Music by Joshua Long.
Direct download: 01.31.2021_Worship_Service_Wholehearted_Parenting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 24 January 2021
Brené Brown holds that we disengage for two reasons: to protect ourselves and because we feel that the people who are supposed to be leading us are not living up to the social contract. In this age of polarization and violence upon our democracy, when our public leaders, neighbors, and family members have disappointed us, how can we courageously step into the gap between reality and our aspirational values? Rev. Anastassia preaching. Music by Rob Redei and the UUCA Choir.
Direct download: 01.24.2021_Service_Courageously_Engaging_the_Gap.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 17 January 2021
What was Dr. King's secret to his success? Was it his education, family, timing, or something else? Let's explore this together as we look at what his message means to us in light of the state of our nation.
Direct download: Sermon_and_Part_2._The_Thinking_of_MLK_Moving_From_Fear_to_Courage.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 10 January 2021
Rev. John responds to the events at the Capitol and shares the secret teaching of all ages which is the key to humanity moving forward toward beloved community. Abracadabra! "No one is sure as to the origin of the strange word 'abracadabra'. ... - The word is of Hebrew or Aramaic origin, being derived either from the Hebrew words 'ab' (father), 'ben' (son), and 'ruach hakodesh' (holy spirit), or from the Aramaic 'avra kadavra', meaning 'it will be created in my words'." (
Sun, 3 January 2021
With Rev. Anastassia. Though we don’t always recognize it, shame causes us to disconnect from love and belonging. We can restore connection when we embrace our own worthiness and demonstrate vulnerability and authenticity. Why is this particularly important as we seek to build the beloved community? Music by Rob Redei and the UUCA Choir.
Direct download: 01.03.2021_Embracing_Vulnerability_Service_Pt._1_Audio.mp4
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 20 December 2020
In this short homily, Rev. Anastassia Zinke shares her family's story of Hanukkah and why this celebration is still important for her life. |
Sun, 16 August 2020
Voter Suppression is an unacknowledged part of American history. Today’s service will spotlight the history of voter suppression both nationally and locally and provide steps you can take to challenge these laws and practices. When We All Vote… All Voices are Heard. Music by Joshua Long and the Awake Singers.
Direct download: 08162020_Voter_Suppression_-_Building_Beloved_Community_Service.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 14 June 2020
This is my last sermon until August. I'm taking a month off to rest. In this message, I talk about compassion and these exciting and excruciating times we live in. There are days when things seem surreal. If you are A UU with only a little time, go to the 17:00 mark and listen to my message directly pointed toward Unitarian Universalism and our present/future. Enjoy. |
Sun, 24 May 2020
In this message, Rev. John puts social and spiritual context on what is happening today with the pandemic. He discusses his understanding Gaia (Mother Earth), karma/dharma/sin, history, and the lesson(s) we must learn. Enjoy. |
Sun, 26 April 2020
It's late getting posted but here is Rev. Anastassia Zinke's candidating sermon before she was voted in as UUCA's minister of equal standing with Rev. John
Sun, 19 April 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020 10:00 am Service Surrender to the Earth Reverend Kathleen C. Rolenz, Interim Minister On this Sunday before Earth Day, we, like the earth, are taking time to pause, reflect on how to respond to the immediate global crisis. Although Earth is getting a break from human-made environmental abuses, it's only a matter of time before humans return to our habits. How can we help the earth - and all species survive and thrive for the near and long-term future? |
Sun, 12 April 2020
In this message, Rev. John looks at the themes of Easter and the symbolic meanings to this celebration and shows how regeneration is a teaching of nature and not just from traditional religion. |
Sun, 22 March 2020
Convert and reframe where you are today. Rev. John T. Crestwell, Jr. |
Sun, 8 March 2020
Rev. John answers the question: What is a real man? In this sermon he will focus on an Oprah endorsed book, "You Throw Like a Girl" written by a former pro athlete, Don McPherson, who tells the story about his blind spots as a cis-gendered male athlete raised with many stereotypical biases. Rev. John will offer his comments as well as his own personal narrative about his growth and struggles around gender, race, and manhood. Reverend John T. Crestwell, Jr., Minister |
Sun, 1 March 2020
Awake or Woke? Reverend Kathleen C. Rolenz, Interim Minister UUCA adopted the 8th Principle in April 2018 – a move which has called the entire congregation into a journey to counter racism and oppression. Building Beloved Community (BBC) created the 8th Principle Practice Series in response to this commitment with the hope that all 381 members of UUCA take the class at least once as part of waking up to the realities of racism and white supremacy. At the same time, we acknowledge that waking up from the slumber of whiteness can be awkward and painful for white people; and frustrating and exhausting for people of color. How might we – as members striving to build Beloved Community, together, move from being asleep to awake to woke? UUCA Choir will provide. |
Sun, 23 February 2020
Reverend Kathleen C. Rolenz, Interim Minister On any given Sunday morning, the worship services should (ideally) address diverse needs. Worship needs to not assume unanimity in our theological, cultural, gender/affectional orientation, social location, racial, neurobiological orientations. The one category that is often overlooked in creating church and planning programs is the introverts! This sermon, purchased at the Fall Fundraising Festival by Jamie Harms will explore the needs of the introvert and how church can be a generative space for them as well. Rev. Kathleen will use the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain as a primary resource. |
Sun, 16 February 2020
In this brief message, Rev. John uses the UU Soul Matters theme of Resilience to show how the African American story in history epitomizes the word; and offers some brief advice for anyone needing to be reminded why they are alive today--in this time of social change. |
Sun, 9 February 2020
On UUCA's inaugural Science Sunday (aka Darwin Sunday) Rev. John continues his message about why we are both/and not either/or people and uses quantum entanglement as his proof. This was a wonderful multigenerational service so there are beautiful kid voices in the audio. We need that level of innocence and curiosity to move our thinking forward... Enjoy.
Direct download: Scienceandreligionbalnacingpolarities.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Tue, 4 February 2020
Rev. Kathleen Rolenz All of us are aging, and all of us are dealing with the realities of our aging in different ways. This sermon will reflect on the various life stages, with a particular focus towards the last 1/3 of life—on its challenges, its gravitas, and its grace. |
Sun, 2 February 2020
Leika Lewis-Cornwell, Intern Minister "I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body," the old joke goes. But what about when it's the body itself doing the remembering? This sermon will examine the ways our bodies and minds manifest our environment and history, and explore what that means for how we build resilient communities together. |
Sun, 19 January 2020
The late Rev. Martin L King Jr.'s arrival as a leader and messenger of peace marked the apex of a repeating paradigm shift in America; a pattern that Rev. John believes occurs every 50 or so years. Obama/Trump is part of this historical pattern as we reconcile our original sin from 1619 when the first blacks arrived to the New World (which of course wasn't "new"). In this sermon, Rev. John gives new insight into old problems about race and human relations and offers his simple solution. Enjoy. |
Mon, 6 January 2020
Ten Rules for Living Rev. Kathleen Rolenz, Interim Minister Happy New Year! If you’re like most, you see the new year as a fresh start; a chance to break an old habit and start a new one. Jean Vanier, a spiritual leader of the L’Arche communities was asked the secret of life and by way of response, he provided “ten rules for living.” Let’s start living! |
Sun, 29 December 2019
Rev. John shares his findings and response to the wonderful book by Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd, After the Good news, which asks are liberals really progressing or just in a delusion of conscience? What happens if you give up on the idea of progress? What comes after? And, how does Rev. John see progress and the karmic patterns of history? Check this important message out... |
Wed, 10 January 2018
Join UUCA's new Interim Senior Minister, Kathleen Rolenz, in exploring change and transition in our lives. When familiar routines are disrupted; beloved people move or die; what once seemed solid and predictable changes and shifts and with it, so must we. |
Tue, 31 October 2017
This year is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. All Protestant denominations got their start on October 31, 1571 - and that includes Unitarian Universalism. It's been a long journey and this Sunday I concluded the story of how we got this way by continuing to unravel the many twists and turns that our journey has taken. |
Thu, 26 October 2017
This year is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. All protestant denominations got their start on October 31, 1571 - and that includes Unitarian Universalism. It's been a long journey and this Sunday Rev. Fred will start to unravel the many twists and turns that the journey has taken. |
Mon, 16 October 2017
In this message, dedicated to Rev. John Crestwell's mentor and colleague, Rev. Dr. Fredric John Muir, John tells the story of how he found Unitarian Universalism and why he remains a UU even though his faith has waned and even faulted in the process. He boldly proclaims that his religion gives him the space for this questioning and evolving as a human being--space we all need to grow.
Tue, 3 October 2017
It's not just the times we share that require courage, it's likely that each of us must face challenges of all sorts that require courage. When seeing another act with courage, I often hear someone comment, "How do they do it?" My response: "Take courage friends. You too have what it takes." Really? Do you believe that? This Sunday we take a on the new monthly theme of courage. (At the start of the second service - at 11:15 - we will gather outside, at the Black Lives Matter banner, to rededicate it and us to this courageous work).
Mon, 25 September 2017
Scrabble became famous in the 50's in America. In this message, Rev. John uses the more recent digital scrabble game and a sports metaphor (I know some of you hate board games and sports) to make his point about living with hope. |
Tue, 19 September 2017
Join Rev. Fred Muir before the start of the Jewish High Holy Days by considering forgiveness and what that looks like today, which is a quintessential theme of the period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. |
Thu, 7 September 2017
In this message, Rev. Fred answers questions from the congregation. The questions vary from spiritual to self-help, to perspectives on current events. Enjoy and ponder his responses...
Wed, 30 August 2017
A renowned author noted: "The past is never dead. It's not even past." Or as Yogi Berra is supposed to have said: "It's deja vu all over again." The last six months have been challenging times for religious liberals, especially Unitarian Universalists. Just when we may have thought our past was dead ... here we go again. Join Rev. Fred as he continues looking at how our way of faith has been a harbinger of America's path. |
Wed, 23 August 2017
It's about this time every year that we read about the tensions and divisions in religious denominations (we hear about it now because they are having their annual gatherings). Such tensions are a part of our faith history too; in fact, UUs often experienced tensions and divisions before others. Join Rev. Fred as he shares one of our faith community's most tumultuous times and see if it sounds familiar. One correction: Rev. Fred mentioned that Anne Frank lived in Prague instead of Amsterdam. Enjoy! |
Sun, 13 August 2017
In this third part of a three part sermon-series, Rev. John discusses the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, its ramifications, and why moderated behavior along with forgiveness are the ways human beings can move beyond the tribal toward the transcendent. Reading by Rev. Fred Muir is from the book "In Praise of Doubt"; and interlude and postlude music is by Jeannie Gagne singing "In My Quiet Sorrow". Enjoy...
Sun, 6 August 2017
In the second part of a three part message, Rev. John elaborates on his understandings of fanatics, fundamentalists, and extremists and argues that we can all be dogmatic about our beliefs; but there are limits--a line--we should not cross. In a country wondering why we are so disjointed, Rev. John adds his reasons why. Interlude music is an original piece, "Creation" by Joshua Long
Mon, 31 July 2017
Saying goodbye is often necessary, and almost always hard. In the words of Dr. Seuss, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." This sermon is Eleanor's last time in the pulpit as our intern and summer minister. |
Sun, 23 July 2017
Ralph Waldo Emerson's disciple, Henry Thoreau wrote from Walden Pond: "We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn." Thoreau's expectations were and remain robust in our nation, and in Unitarian Universalism. Join me as I continue looking at how our way of faith has been a harbinger of America's path. |
Sun, 16 July 2017
In this message, Rev. John looks at why fanatics are the "squeaky wheels that get the oil" in society and why we need to understand fanaticism and become an equal and opposite force of love over and against their traditionalists/fundamentalists message of exclusion. Before the sermon, there was a reading (below). Enjoy... Reading before the sermon: Excerpt from David Foster Wallace's Commencement address at Kenyon College in 2008 Here's something else that's weird but true: in the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship, be it JC or Allah, be it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some unbreakable set of ethical principles is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. It's the truth. Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you. On one level, we all know this stuff already. It's been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness. Worship power, you will end up feeling weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to numb you to your own fear. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart, you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out. But the insidious thing about these forms of worship is not that they're evil or sinful, it's that they're unconscious. They are default settings. They're the kind of worship you just gradually slip into, day after day, getting more and more selective about what you see and how you measure value without ever being fully aware that that's what you're doing. And the so-called real world will NOT discourage you from operating on your default settings, because the so-called real world of men and money and power hums merrily along in a pool of fear and anger and frustration and craving and worship of self. |
Tue, 4 July 2017
In this message, Rev. Fred Muir shows how Ralph Waldo Emerson had his finger on the pulse of our nation. Ahead of his time, his "Harvard Divinity School Address" - called by one Unitarian colleague "the latest form of infidelity" - was simply carrying forward the spirit as witnessed in the birth of the nation. Listen to how UUism has been a harbinger of America's path.
Tue, 27 June 2017
We may have heard a few sayings like "Count it all joy" or "God is good all the time"; but, really, life is full of challenges and hardships that can bring us great despair. How do we "count it all joy" amidst a rough political landscape, conflicts amongst our peers, and hardships in our daily lives? Soon to be seminarian, Joshua Long, who is also UUCA/AWAKE's Contemporary Music Directory, explores how joy can move beyond our feelings and into the affirmative goodness of/in life.
Thu, 22 June 2017
"The struggle is eternal," is a favorite revolutionary saying, and it's true; we even feel it in church. Church should engage us in struggle, by challenging us to live more faithfully. The faith journey draws us inward toward one another, outward to embrace the unknown, and onward toward a visionary future. Even while these different motions sometimes collide, their interplay is where we find joy. A message from our Summer Minister, Eleanor Piez. |
Tue, 13 June 2017
In this episode, Rev. Christina Leone Tracy powerfully and passionately says goodbye to the UUCA congregation. "I have three sermons I preach to you," she says and then explains why these lessons are more important now more than ever before. This was an emotional message that touched us all. Goodbye Rev. Christina. You shall be greatly missed...
Mon, 29 May 2017
In this message, Rev. John T. Crestwell delves into the complicated arena of authenticity, individuality, and individualism and shows that there is a fine line between altruism and hedonism. Special music before and after the message from Guest Musician, Bob Sima This sermon is dedicated to the memory of Lt. Richard W. Collins III.
Tue, 23 May 2017
Rev. Christina explores themes from the book Coming of Age the Rite Way, the chosen topic from auction winner Jen Mendez. She considers what it means to be the village to raise our children and thus live into our collective future. Rev. Christina will explore themes from the book Coming of Age the Rite Way, the chosen topic from auction winner Jen Mendez. We'll consider what it means to be the village to raise our children and thus live into our collective future! |
Tue, 9 May 2017
In this message on a very special "Teach-in on White Supremacy" Sunday, Rev. Fred Muir tells some personal stories and references the book, "Waking up White" to emphasize his message about White privilege, fragility, and society and his culture's need for personal growth in this area. The video referenced is from Buzz Feed. It's about privilege and can be viewed here:
Note: Over 100 members and friends participated in conversations after church.
Mon, 1 May 2017
After a reading by Pesha Gertler, read by Seminarian and AWAKE Music Director Joshua Long, Rev. John shares why we must say yes to turmoil, controversy and confusion. He calls it all "holy work" and shares stories about his journey, UUCA's changes, and the current UUA controversy to make his point about resurrection. |
Mon, 24 April 2017
In a very passionate sermon, Rev. Christina Leone Tracy discusses transformation, change, UUCAs present and future, as well as the current UU/UUA Climate. How can we give away our church to gain a true and just UU faith? Listen to this sermon. The first 3-minutes are missing so the written text is below: I love the story that I read to you earlier, Brother Juniper,, because it is a sweet, funny, kind story, a story that tells of a man who lived his faith so fully that he took enormous risks, even if he didn't mean to... Here at UUCA, we celebrate a new theme each month--and back in March we celebrated the theme of Risk. Brother Juniper indeed took some risks--in fact, when his companions returned to find him standing in that empty hole they yelled at him, "What have you done! You've ruined our church!" We've all felt that way sometimes, when a risk we take doesn't pan out the way we want at first. But life is about change, and that's what we're talking about this month. April's theme is transformation. This month we have celebrated the Passover, when the people of Israel are freed from bondage and transformed again into the chosen people -- We also celebrated Easter, the death and resurrection of Jesus, a transformation of death into life. Transformation is a powerful theme and it feels like we talk about it a lot. I remember when I was a couple years into my time in this ministry here, and we had experienced a number of changes. The beloved DRE had left after 23 years, and I had come into this role. I hired a new RE Assistant to replace the previous one who moved away. The choir director changed a couple times, and the Administrator too. Then the new RE Assistant who everyone loved, decided to take on a bigger job elsewhere and I needed to hire someone new. I remember talking about the changes that were coming, and someone said, "Once all these changes finally stop, we will be able to really do the work we want." "Ohhhh..." I remember saying... "Do you think these changes are going to stop? Oh. I'm sorry. I don't think that's going to happen. I might go on maternity leave at some point (I did), I might have to move on to another ministry at some point (and that point is coming soon). These changes are going to keep happening. Here at church and throughout life, the goal is not to wait out the changes until some change-free time arrives." If you're honest with yourself, there is NO time in life where there are NO changes. The goal is to find a way to go with the changes so that we can continue to grow and thrive with them, to use each change as an opportunity for reflection, curiosity, and improvement. The goal is not just to weather the changes but instead to truly transform! When we think about Transformation, we think about growing, getting bigger, improving, fixing, changing, adding things. I mean, the story of Passover is a celebration of the power of God to perform miracles and free people! (THE AUDIO PICKS UP HERE)
Tue, 18 April 2017
This Easter day, Christians are celebrating the resurrected Christ - the quintessential event of the Christian tradition. Yet most Unitarian Universalists reject this moving and core concept. Still, there is a growing group of UU Christians at UUCA and in UUism. This Easter day, let's look at Christ.
Tue, 11 April 2017
When we think of transformation, we often imagine a big, dramatic change. But profound changes can also take place more subtly over time through practice. The Christian story of Palm Sunday offers a lens through which we will examine the nature of transformation. |
Tue, 28 March 2017
In this message Rev. John examines one of his favorite poems, If, by Rudyard Kipling and helps the listener see that the old-time virtues of integrity, courage and honesty are not so old and sorely needed today in a world where truths are "twisted by knaves".
Mon, 20 March 2017
Mon, 13 March 2017
Rev. Fred Muir steps out and declares that UUCA must become a Sanctuary Congregation in this very moving and bold talk. He says, "I'm a Liberal. There - I've said it! Identifying oneself as a Liberal is risky business nowadays. As a faith, UUism is identified as Liberal Religion. It always has been. What's that mean? What are the risks?" Join him in exploring these questions.
Fri, 10 March 2017
Rev. Fred Muir I saw a link for the "New York Times" the other day that read - "Read the Times: Just the facts. No alternatives." Are we living in an "alternative facts" world? Truthful living is at the core of our Unitarian Universalist Principals. How do we make sense of it all? |
Mon, 27 February 2017
In this sermon, Rev. John looks at his own identity and asks the listener, "Who are you, anyway?" Let's examine who we are and how taking responsibility for our core-Self (with a capital S) is vital in living and being our best self.
Wed, 22 February 2017
In this the era of identity politics, everyone seems to have a definition of who they are and what is important. What are the different communities that have shaped your identity? Let's think about this together.
Mon, 13 February 2017
Rev. Fred Muir shares his last Charles Darwin sermon commemorating the life of one of his role model's--a man who shaped humanity's view of life, living and death in profound ways... |
Wed, 8 February 2017
In this time of uncertainty, Fred reminds us of facing fears and looking at our fragility boldly and with love... Please listen to his pastoral message... |
Mon, 30 January 2017
In this annual service we remember births, weddings and deaths from the previous year. Every year this service is moving and reminds each of us that we are always in transition. |
Fri, 27 January 2017
With the election and all of this great liberal forces converging, this is a RIPE time for our UU message if we can remember 4-things and 4 Ps. Let our business/faith boom in the next four years! |
Sun, 15 January 2017
In this 2017 Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday, Rev. John takes on poverty, moral will and how to connect to King's vision of Beloved Community. |
Tue, 10 January 2017
"The Prophethood of All Believers" Eleanor Piez, Intern Minister James Luther Adams, beloved UU professor of theology and ethics, understood our faith as "the prophethood of all believers." But prophets are often unpopular in their own times and communities. What does it mean for us to be a prophethood today? You will hear an update on UULM-MD's work during the upcoming legislative session.Music by Sara Jones. |
Tue, 20 December 2016
The election is a part of a narrative where countervailing forces are being called to rise up! This is a pattern and cycle in our human evolution. If you need some post-election context in the spirit of the holidays, this message is for you. A special thank you to Dr. Mike Houge at Meadville Theological for his inspiration for this sermon. Love, |
Mon, 5 December 2016
'Tis the season for ... presence (which is this month's theme). So many of the holiday stories, songs, greetings and themes are all about presence - of looking for those spaces and places into which we can step and experience centering, wholeness and hopefulness. Think of the words, people and contexts in your life that reflect presence ... |
Mon, 28 November 2016
Who gets to tell the story of America? What is His-story and Our-story? What must we do now in this polarized time to promote our principles? Rev. John answers these questions and more as he examines perspective and some of the stories that have led up to the new president-elect. |
Tue, 15 November 2016
Our divided nation has gone to the polls to elect a new President; what do we do now? Is there any hope of becoming "The Reunited States of America"? Join me on this Sunday after the election as I assess where we might go from here. |
Mon, 7 November 2016
Very soon the nation votes for a new President. The country is divided. It has become mean, ugly, and stress-filled. What's behind the divisiveness? Join me on this Sunday before the election for part one of this two part sermon. [This sermon was purchased by Charlie Gross at last November's basket auction.] |
Tue, 1 November 2016
Death is an inevitable part of life, but for those of us remaining after a loved one dies, we are left with myriad feelings, and perhaps wondering how to heal as we move through grief. El Dia de los Muertos is a Mexican celebration of death, that seeks to find joy in remembering our loved ones. |
Tue, 1 November 2016
It seems that our culture is in desperate need of healers - people who can erect bridges to wholeness and health for the wounded and marginalized. Many talk with such admiration for people who are in positions of healing. Yet, healing comes in many different versions and styles. Join me as we look at healing and healers and decipher their power. |
Tue, 11 October 2016
How do we develop our I AM, our self-worth in a world that labels us as less than worthy? Hear the story of Tonier Cain and how she made her mess of a life into a powerful message of hope and transformation. |
Mon, 3 October 2016
"An opportunity to try or perform something a second time." That's a do-over. As we enter the High Holy Days, this sermon reminds us that each day is an opportunity to shout "do over!" Let's look at this meaningful opportunity. |
Mon, 26 September 2016
In this message, Rev. John Crestwell uses the Gospel of Thomas to remind us to "look up!" when faced with conflict and polarization. Move the mountains out of your life! GOD / IDEALS ME You -Rev. Christina Leone Tracy |
Tue, 20 September 2016
A covenant is not a set of rules or a contract. It's a promise that we make, over and over, to come back to community. Not in spite of our mistakes, but because of them. Because we mess up over and over, we need to practice how to come back. |
Thu, 8 September 2016
You get up in the morning, ready to start a new day. What is your frame of mind, your purpose? When you return to bed in fourteen or eighteen hours, how will you think about your day of work, leisure or relationships? Let's set aside some time to imagine what a grace-filled day or life might look like. |
Mon, 15 August 2016
We often think about the existence of the divine as either “out there” or “non-existent.” What if there’s another way? What if the holy was in us all? What might that look like? How would it change our outlook on life? Join us as we explore the roots and wings provided by a mystical, experiential, or pantheist view of Unitarian Universalist faith. This service topic was the request of basket-auction-winners Scott Eden and Jan Bird. |
Mon, 15 August 2016
In the second sermon of this series, our Summer Minister, Hannah, will explore how our Third Principle calls us to nourish one another spiritually. |
Wed, 13 July 2016
During this season of interconnection, we will consider our responsibilities to one another as Unitarian Universalists by exploring three of our Principles. In the first sermon of three this month by our Summer Minister, Hannah, we will explore how our Fifth Principle calls us to embody the democratic process in our communities. |
Tue, 5 July 2016
Happy Birthday USA! Let's join together and speak of our country's past, present and the nation of our future. Are we truly a welcoming nation? This sermon examines some of the spoken and unspoken biases many carry when thinking of the future of our country, and religion. |
Sun, 26 June 2016
Our annual summer tradition continues! Celebrate our freedom of exploration by submitting questions for Rev. Christina to answer (on the "fly"!) |
Sun, 19 June 2016
Join us for an inspiring Father's Day service on "perspectives" and how we each have our own position, view, and outlook that defines and also biases our ways of thinking. What is the difference in informed knowledge and an opinion? |
Sun, 12 June 2016
Sounds like the menu for a summer cookout! While for some this might be appealing, a summer picnic was not the topic under consideration in a radio program I listened to recently; they used this phrase as a way to describe the future of our most reliable, taken-for-granted institutions. For me, it applies to faith communities too. Please join me as I chew on this topic with what for some will be a startling and unexpected conclusion. |
Tue, 31 May 2016
Just war theory (jus bellum iustum) is a doctrine, also referred to as a tradition, of military ethics studied by theologians, ethicists, policy makers, and military leaders (Wikipedia). Today I will look at this concept and determine if there is such thing as a “just war”. |
Sun, 22 May 2016
Noticing our mistakes, honoring them, and trying again and again is what it means to be a covenantal people. We will come together this Sunday to remember when we as a people, historically and in the present, have made mistakes, to sit, and to move forward. Sometimes, we just need some silence. |