Sun, 25 July 2010
This sermon topic was purchased at this year’s auction by Ken Apfel and Caroline Hadley! In response to their prompt, Christina will be examining what it means to be an American in this day and age, as well as how that relates to what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist.
Sun, 18 July 2010
The year is 1540 and a fictional Martin Luther and Francis David (Unitarian religious ancestor) meet in a bar, debate their differences, and affirm their commonalities. What would they think of their religious offspring nearly 500 years later? Christina Leone, Intern Minister, and her friend Chris Halverson, Vicar at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Baltimore, struggle together to come to some understanding.
Direct download: A_Unitarian_and_a_Lutheran_walk_into_a_bar.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:38pm EST |
Sun, 11 July 2010
Unitarian Universalists are diverse in their outlook on life, beliefs about death, and understanding of God. So it stands to reason that Unitarian Universalists wouldn't have one single view of prayer. Should we pray? Why? How? |
Sun, 4 July 2010
It seems that with every election - even with every crisis or piece of legislation - Americans are given a new vision for our nation, which is often a recasting of the July 4 revolutionary message. Today, members of the amorphous Tea Party are casting another reused vision. |