UU Church of Annapolis Podcast
Sermons by the ministers and guests at UUCA -Living boldly and compassionately in Annapolis, MD for over 60 years!

Quite often our failure to be authentic with others stems not from a lack of desire, or an overwhelming fear of vulnerability, but from the fact that we lack authenticity with our very selves. Connecting with others requires us to stay connected with ourselves: and not just with our mental selves—as most schools and workplaces would have it—but with our somas, or whole selves. Join UUCA member and therapist Jessie Rhines for a discussion of the yogic model of The Koshas. Come prepared for a personal practice, among sacred communities.

Direct download: A_Conversation_with_Jessie_Rhines_A_Tool_for_Authenticity_with_Ourselves.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:14am EST

When vulnerability is the first thing we look for in others and the last thing we want to show, how do we find each other? Join guest minister Rev. Christin Green for an exploration of grace, peace, vulnerability, and authenticity. (Delivered 4/16/23)

Direct download: Grace_and_Peace.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

The biblical story of the Tower of Babel in essence says God divided humankind by preventing us from understanding each other. In this sermon Rev. John will share his interpretation of the story and how it reveals what happens when human communication breaks down, using the tools of the brilliant psychologist Marshall Rosenberg.  This was auction sermon paid for by Mickey Goldberg.
(Sermon delivered on April 2,2023)
Direct download: Tower_of_Babel.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:09am EST