UU Church of Annapolis Podcast
Sermons by the ministers and guests at UUCA -Living boldly and compassionately in Annapolis, MD for over 60 years!

Does God exist? Perhaps we've all thought about this question? I have, often, and have drawn a few conclusions. Are you atheist, deist, theist, or none of the above but still believe in a greater good? How do you celebrate the holidays when they are based upon a narrative that says God entered the world through the birth of Jesus to lead humanity to salvation? In this holiday service, Rev. John will tackle the mystery of God and posit that everyone believes in a higher power.

Direct download: John_12_9_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

We spend much of our life trying to figure things out - where we came from, who and what are we and where we are going; yet woven in and amongst all of these questions persists randomness, uncertainty and deep mystery. This sermon will explore the spiritual practice of engaging with the unknown.

Direct download: 20181202_9AM_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am EST